How to Start a Real Estate Business that Lasts a Lifetime, with Erin Bradley

Episode 176:

Creating a dream business with predictable growth in a way that feels natural, authentic, and easy is simple if you know how. This week I want to give you a clear plan that turns into a snowball of activity that comes from a place of authenticity and an intention to serve your community. Listen to this podcast episode to learn how to start a real estate business and grow financially.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • Why to niche down in your real estate business
  • Call anxiety — what is it, and how we can get over it
  • How to gain clarity on your strategy and message
  • The disconnect between being ‘salesy’ and serving and educating
  • How to get control of your results and plan out your future
  • Three ways we can find focus in our business
  • Serving with authenticity and giving value to your community

Serving with Intention

When learning how to start a real estate business, you need to get crystal clear on the type of market you want to serve. Because with a firm focus, you can create interest in what you can do for your community from a place of authenticity and an intention to serve and give value above and beyond what people expect.

When you’re intentional about educating and serving, it elevates your visibility, highlights your relationship-based philosophy, and results in you attracting more business than you ever anticipated! Making sure that you are guided by the authenticity within you to give value to your community is what helps you make connections and let people know about your offers without feeling ‘salesy.’

Serving your target market from a place of intention to lead with value versus the intention to get something from them creates a domino effect of a higher level of engagement with the people that could become your clients or referral partners. And it puts you top of mind as a human being who cares about them, not as a great salesperson.

Get Clarity on Your Purpose

When we rewrite our purpose and understand that with a high level of engagement, a high level of authenticity, and the intention to serve and give value comes above everything, we attract business seemingly out of the blue.

As business owners, we need to apply the principles of simplicity, focus, consistency, clarity, and accountability to be in absolute control of our results. Plan out that ideal future that you don’t need a vacation from based on the amount of business you intend to do, the number of people you want to serve, and how you’re going to plant seeds with every relationship you make to grow trees of opportunity that last a lifetime for you.

There are so many things that we can do each and every day to grow our business, but if we don’t have a clear plan and a clear message, we find ourselves in analysis paralysis — nothing gets done, we beat ourselves up, and we further dim our light.

Be Authentic in Business Relationships

Getting caught up in a cycle of negativity doesn’t move us forward. So, I want you to grab the wheel of your life in business and simplify it to create extraordinary results. On the Pursing Freedom podcast this week, I’m talking about how you can pick three focus points — geographic, demographic, and product or program specific — and map out a message and strategy to support your goals.

I give you insight and actionable tips on becoming the digital mayor of the geographic location that you want to serve by taking the steps that can help you create valuable relationships.

The majority of successful real estate professionals don’t love the sales part of the business. It feels so uncomfortable because it feels self-serving. But if we make the goal of our engagement, and the reason for our call or social media post to educate, add value, and serve rather than sell, our light shines, and we give off those positive vibes.

When you operate from this intention to give, it’s real and authentic. With no agenda other than serving, you will have the most incredible experience of building relationships, meeting new people, planting the seeds, and developing deeper bonds with people you care about. It’s a foolproof recipe, it’s recession-proof, and it’s the way to create a business you LOVE that lasts a lifetime.

How to Start a Real Estate Business

About Erin Bradley

Erin Bradley is a speaker and business coach, bestselling author, and host of the real estate podcast Pursuing Freedom.

As a mortgage lender, Erin learned the hard way just how hard entrepreneurship and success in sales can be. From flat broke to 6 figures, and then to burnout, Erin and her team have been through it all! Erin operates under the mindset that you never give up, and you never settle, in life or in business. Anything is possible when you have the right mindset, great systems, and an amazing team. Erin is passionate about helping others design their ideal life, then create a business that is a vehicle to support that lifestyle, rather than rob you of it. And she’s on a mission to help you believe in, and achieve your biggest dreams!

How to Connect With Erin Bradley

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