Doorside: The Ultimate Support Platform for Real Estate Agents, with Hannah Gorlick

Episode 83:

Real Estate Technology | The Ultimate Support Platform

Hannah Gorlick is a licensed real estate agent and the CEO and co-founder of Doorside, a real estate community app that connects agents together to help each other with showings, open houses, and more. Doorside is the culmination of Hannah’s push to provide helpful services to other real estate agents that would generate enough income to allow her to focus on building a book of business. The more she assisted agents in the day-to-day, the more she realized that time management is a systemic problem for anyone trying to achieve success as a real estate agent. So, Hannah developed a real estate technology platform that could bring agents together and help them achieve greater success while enjoying more time and financial freedom!

Doorside and Doorside Black

Doorside has two different product offerings based on what you are looking to accomplish by leveraging this real estate technology. They have a platform that agents and earners can sign up for to book services across different brokerages. Then there is Doorside Black, an internal solution that brokerages can customize to fit their branding and connect agents within their network to promote a more collaborative work environment. People on the platform are there to build relationships with other agents, provide valuable services, and do what most most of us got into this industry to do; serve and help people!

No Barriers to Entry

Just like using Uber, Doorside is free for booking agents who are looking to sign up. And that is huge because there is often an underlying sense of fear when it comes to using new real estate technology to grow and scale a business! Whether it is a booking agent or an opener, Hannah is making it ridiculously easy for real estate agents to gain access to support through Doorside so they can achieve the time and financial freedom they set out for. Right now it is still in beta, but you can reach out to Hannah if you are interested in seeing this real estate technology in your market. To learn more about Doorside and what’s to come, listen to the latest episode of Pursuing Freedom!

About Hannah Gorlick

Hannah Gorlick is the CEO and Co-Founder of Doorside and an active real estate agent in the Seattle area. Hannah learned through experience that agents lack the reliable support network they need in order to meet the needs of their clients and their own personal lives. In response, Hannah started Doorside, a real estate community app that connects agents together to help each other with showings, open houses and more.

What You Will Learn:

  • How Hannah got into the real estate business
  • What inspired Hannah to build a real estate technology platform to connect agents
  • How Hannah identified the primary need of successful realtors and how she supports it now
  • What the ideal client is looking for when they come across Doorside, and the different packages they offer
  • How to sign up for Doorside as a booking agent or an opener/earner
  • What to expect from Doorside in the future, and when to expect it in your market

How to Connect With Hannah Gorlick:

Additional Resources