Choosing a Niche in Real Estate, with Erin Bradley

Episode 129:

Choosing a niche in real estate might seem counterintuitive at first. In this solocast, I explain how niching down leads to predictable growth in your business. Hear insights about:

  • Why choosing a niche leads to action and ultimately, results
  • How to define your target audience and understand their specific needs
  • Why you should pick a niche based on where you can add the most value, not where you will receive the most value
  • Examples of different niches and how we can address their specific needs
  • Why you should strive to be a solution for other areas of your clients’ lives, not just real estate transactions
  • Why changing your message to one of enthusiasm, joy, and service can spark massive growth in your business

Why Choosing a Niche Leads to Growth

Q1 is finally here and it is time to find your pace, set your goals for the year, and create an actionable plan to achieve them! We have talked a lot about lead gen strategies because business development is going to play a major role in that process. It is important to figure out exactly who you want to serve, so your biz dev efforts don’t lead to burnout. Choosing a niche in real estate might seem counterintuitive, but it will lead you to more growth than you’ve ever seen from chasing every opportunity you come across. If you can identify a specific market segment and become the go-to expert in that niche, you will build consistent, predictable results that will fast-track you to achieving your goals!

Addressing Your Target’s Needs

In my experience, choosing a niche creates energy that converts into action and ultimately, results. It doesn’t necessarily mean you are limiting the scope of who you will work with. It means that, by defining a target market, you can get creative with the ways you address their specific needs. When you understand the specific needs of a market segment, you will identify new ways to solve them. This process of niching down is where creative pathways to growth are discovered, and it all stems from defining who you decide to serve!

Keep Adding Value

The reason choosing a niche leads to growth is because it creates a flurry of sales activity that doesn’t feel like sales activity at all! When you are focused on serving a specific target audience, you are not worried about what you are going to get out of your interactions. The only thing you need to worry about is what you are going to GIVE that subset of the community and how you can continue adding value beyond what you’re getting paid for. Identify a niche, understand their needs, and address them—this is the key to predictable growth in your business!

Choosing a Niche

About Erin Bradley

Erin Bradley is a speaker and business coach, bestselling author, and host of the real estate podcast Pursuing Freedom. As a mortgage lender, Erin learned the hard way just how hard entrepreneurship and success in sales can be. From flat broke to 6-figures, and then to burnout, Erin and her team have been through it all! Erin operates under the mindset that you never give up, and you never settle, in life or in business. Anything is possible when you have the right mindset, great systems, and an amazing team. Erin is passionate about helping others design their ideal life, then create a business that is a vehicle to support that lifestyle, rather than rob you of it. And she’s on a mission to help you believe in, and achieve your biggest dreams!

How to Connect With Erin Bradley

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